Start your TeamBalut today!
There are now 1502 players in TeamBalut. A total of 980 matches have been played.
There are 28 Sponsors who have contributed to the success of TeamBalut.
Premier Sponsors of the month - Chivas - Live With Chivalry and YES Technologies Integration.
TeamBalut News
- 1st SYC Invitation Balut Tournament 2024
The Sandakan Yacht Club will be hosting this coming event 1st SYC Invitation Balut Tournament 2024 on 16th September 2024.
- 40th Chivas Regal Interport Balut Competition
Held on the 26th Nov. 2022 at the British Club Bangkok, with a total of 84 Players representing 10 Clubs from around the region, an incredible time was had by all, with a spendiferous range of food & drink and scores as high as 154 in 1 round...
- BCB 2021 BALUT CUP - Omicron edition
BCB 2021 BALUT CUP - Omicron edition, once again the British Club's professional Baluteers get together for their annual Balut Cup challenge
- BCB The Covid-19-free TeamBalut Bubble.
Playing our regular Wednesday evening Match in our special Covid-19 Balut Bubble
- Statistics for all Players now available
An easy to use one page display of all Players who have played more than 20 Rounds. # of Matches, Teams, Rounds, Max, Min and Average Scores.
British Club Bangkok Balut Shield 2014-2015

The BCB Balut Shield is contested over 12 monthly tournaments and is awarded at the Balut Shield Awards Night each September. A player must play a minimum of 4 tournaments over a year and then the average of their best 4 scores are leagued. The highest average over the year wins the Balut Shield, the highest single score during the year wins the Balut Shield Cup.
Scores Time Machine Series Photos Sponsors
British Club Bangkok Balut Shield 2009/2010/2011/2012/2013/2014

Scores from previous years using our Time Machine Series report layout. Click along each tab to see how the scores accummulated during the year!
Balut Shield 2013-2014
Balut Shield 2012-2013
Balut Shield 2011-2012
Balut Shield 2010-2011
Balut Shield 2009-2010
Highest Scores
Lowest Scores
— TeamBalut (@TeamBalut) November 29, 2022
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