Sponsor - Chivas Regal 33rd STC Interport Balut Competition Sponsor - YES Technologies Integration

There are now 1502 players in TeamBalut.   A total of 980 matches have been played.   There are 28 Sponsors who have contributed to the success of TeamBalut.  
Premier Sponsors of the month - Chivas - Live With Chivalry and YES Technologies Integration.

Sponsors for TeamBalut. If you would like to become a Sponsor for TeamBalut, please contact Sponsors@TeamBalut.com

Chivas Chivas have been long time sponsors since the 2014 Chivas Regal 33rd STC Interport Balut Competition. This prestigious annual event is being hosted again this year at the British Club Bangkok on 26th November 2022.
Outrigger Hotels & Resorts Outrigger Hotels & Resorts: Premier Sponsor for the British Club 2009-2013 BALUT CUP
The British Club Bangkok The British Club Bangkok: 'An Oasis in the heart of Bangkok', a family, sports, and social Members Club situated in downtown Bangkok.
Det 5 Det-5: The best bar in Bangkok, Sukhumvit Soi 8, Pool tables, Food, Drink, TV, amazing music library, open long hours, what more could you want?
Aircraft Technical Consultants Aircraft Technical Consultants: Keep your jet in tip-top condition.
YES Technologies Yes Technologies: Specialising in database design and online Internet applications. The TeamBalut online scoring system and the technology behind this website is a YES Technologies project.

Help to fund development of this site!