Sponsor - Chivas Regal 33rd STC Interport Balut Competition Sponsor - YES Technologies Integration

There are now 1502 players in TeamBalut.   A total of 980 matches have been played.   There are 28 Sponsors who have contributed to the success of TeamBalut.  
Premier Sponsors of the month - Chivas - Live With Chivalry and YES Technologies Integration.

BCB The Covid-19-free TeamBalut Bubble.

Amazing Stuff! The Covid-19-free TeamBalut Bubble. BCB Covid-19-free TeamBalut Bubble ...and some Players missed some of the Rounds!
British Club Bangkok
Wednesday Weekly Match (69),  Wed 16-Sep-2020
All Players, All Games
Sorted by TOTAL, Highest First
Player Team Player Name R1 R2 R3 Total #
0432 BCB-0362 Mr. Paul Cheesman 110 110 118 338 1
0625 BCB-0362 Mr. Paul Williams 113 104 86 303 2
0599 BCB-0362 Ms. Sulindy Collacott 102 88 109 299 3
0791 BCB-0362 Mr Andy Williams 66 76 111 253 4
0135 BCB-0362 Mrs. Muntana Merrigan 67 125 56 248 5
0133 BCB-0362 Mr. Bob Merrigan 55 112 79 246 6
0125 BCB-0362 Mr Bob Van Es 84 143 0 227 7
0301 BCB-0362 Mr. David Quine 0 96 108 204 8
1315 BCB-0362 Mr. Sohil Gilani 0 0 77 77 9
Totals (9 players): 597 854 744 2,195  

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