Sponsor - Chivas Regal 33rd STC Interport Balut Competition Sponsor - YES Technologies Integration

There are now 1490 players in TeamBalut.   A total of 965 matches have been played.   There are 28 Sponsors who have contributed to the success of TeamBalut.  
Premier Sponsors of the month - Chivas - Live With Chivalry and YES Technologies Integration.

British Club Bangkok - Balut Shield 2014/15

Once again the British Club Bangkok Balut Shield contest, kicks off at 7pm on 15-Oct, for the 2014/15 season.

This year we will be playing one match per month, played on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, with the final Balut Shield Awards night being held on 16-Sep-2015.

Using the TeamBalut online Balut scoring system we are able to accommodate our special guest teams, who can play in real-time, from anywhere in the world. Special thanks to Team 'Swampies' who helped pioneer our overseas games, they played in last year's British Club Bangkok tournament while being based in Perth, Australia!

Scores to data here.

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